Friday, November 26, 2010

Let the holiday madness begin!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thankgsgiving, I of course managed to finish up some knitting. I figured I was in for a long wait for an item my oldest daughter really wanted for Christmas, so I packed my knitting bag, the book I am reading now - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (thanks mom) a bottle of water and went to grab my spot in line. I forgot the chair though, next year the chair would be an important thing to remember. While I was waiting I started and finished this set of fingerless gloves using Laines Magnifiques Strawberry Princess colorway. I've put them up for sale at Their Own Knitted World for now but if they don't sell in the next week I think I may give them to my maillady, she seems to appreciate fingerless gloves during the winter. While you are there be sure to check out the auction going on for the 0-3 month Christmas set.

The Harrison Euclid cardigan is getting buttons tonight and I hope to have final shots of the set tomorrow, stay tuned!
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